
Saturday, June 8, 2019

How to loss weight fast

The problem of overweight peoples is growing faster and bigger in every day pass, and become a nightmare follow people day and night, and in some cases caused stress luck of confidence and other Psychological problem in this article we will discuss some tips to lose weight fast.

Time of your workout : many people think that the longer the better for losing weight , but that not the whole truth because some or a lot of people get hungry after long workout period so they eat more and that lead to gain weight not losing it so for an advice your workout time should be reasonable around 30 min to 45 min max.

Diet : you love it or not there no escape from diet, even a small can make impact eliminate some dessert of drinks skip some cup of soda, sometimes drink cafe without adding sugar, eat less sugar increase the vegetable in your  table eat more fruit they will make feel full for a long time and so go on by making small changes you can clean your diet.   

Sleep : bad sleep habits always has a bad side effect on your general health and it comes to weight it's really that bad because it slows your metabolism and decrease fat burning, and the unbelievable truth is you can burn more than 500 calories in you sleep for 8 hours so you can increase this amount of calories by going to bed early and add a half an hour to your sleep hours it's really going to help to burn more calories.   

Water : always drink more water even it is more than your body needs it's will not harm you or do any bad to your body, start your day with a big cup of water and we recommend to be warm water always put a bottle around you even if you forget to drink you will remember when you see the bottle, drink 2 l of water at least water is good for your overall body for the skin,muscle,burn,fat,digestion,brain and more so drink for your life.

In the end if you have any ideas share it with us in comments below ...   

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