As one of the greatest compound movement ,Squat has a very big reputation in many things and one of them is that are one of the essential exercises to grow a bigger legs and that are risky to you back and more , So the questions are here How To Squat Properly ? and What Are The Benefits Of Squat ? .In Today article we will answer this question and more to give you a clear idea about squat.
How To Squat Properly
The squat can be very challenging for a lot of people in the aspect of proper form. So for the start let talk about the form ,the first thing is how to carry the Barbell on your back the first thing to do is you should squeeze your scapula backward and that allows you to form a base with your traps muscles to put the barbell on , now let go down to your feet they should be parallel to each other and there is a lot of feet position but as a beginner you should start with feet with shoulder width is perfect as a beginner , and your back should in a natural position and your hands should be in comfortable position in grabbing the barbell .Now we will talk about the range of motion and how to squat properly ,in the range of motion there is a lot of ways on how much you go down with the barbell because there is so many style in squatting , you may heard two arguing about how much they should go down in the squat one of them said that it should go down as he possibly could but the other said that it should go just for a certain degree , and the truth is that they are both right because the first one is talking about squatting in the weightlifting style and these athletes go down as they possibly could , but the bodybuilding style they go that you should go like you want to sit on a chair or about 80 degree angle , and for you what it the best it's really depend on you because everyone is unique in his bones structures and in the hips flexibility ,but as a personal advice i always prefer full range of motion especially in the compound movement and that to benefits from them to the max , you should remember to squeeze your hips while doing squat and to keep your spine neutral and too keep your chest up and to breath always breath ,i should point to something that you should learn first to push with your legs muscles it's might sound ridiculous but a lot of people don't know how to work the muscle connection in this movement so first you should learn how to feel your legs muscles when you are standing up when you learn to feel you legs muscles in the body-weight squat you go to weighted squat or you just practice with an empty barbell until you master the move and the right technique and always keep your back as straight as possible in the movement and your feet should always be stick in the ground and if you couldn't do it we advice to wear a squat shoes they will help to keep your feet on the ground because some people find in difficult to do it specially the beginning of the foot because they found them self based on their foot fingers only so these shoes will help because they are higher in the back of the feet , and first thing to start with squat is to master your body-weight squat ,it's important to know how to squat without lifting weight and you should be able to do more than 10 reps in a proper form to move to weighted squat , and you can practice with an empty barbell .
How To Your ORM (One Rep Max ):
In this topic we will go back on your body-weight squat because it's very important to master your body-weight squat , and to test your One Max you should be able to do more than 10 reps in a proper form , and then you can to add weight to your squat and here a method , if you can do more than 10 free squat , than try to do it with 20 kg dumbbells and if you can do more than 5 reps in a proper form than you can apply this method of calculation in this case the body-weight is 70 kg
1 RM = [(r/30) +1] + [70% of body weight + Dumbbell weight] = [(5/30) +1] + [49 kg + 40 kg] = 104 kg.
Squat Variations :
When it comes to Squat variations , we two two type of variations because as we already said you do body-weight squat or a weighted squat ,and that's why you have a plenty of options you can choose between them or can just combine the body weight with the weighted squat for in order to have great result :
the body-weight squat variations :
Jump squat:
The jump squat is a plyometric exercise variation on the standard squat exercise wherever after coming back to the down position of the squat one jumps up. i believe that's why they decision it the jump squat at-least. The advantage of this variation of the squat is to develop the explosive quick twitch fibers concerned in jumping.
Box squat:
The box squat variation uses a box or seat simply behind the squatter. when coming to the down position of the squat the box helps to stay the squatter in form. usually the squatter can maintain position simply on top of the box in order to place extra strain on the muscles concerned before returning to the up position.
Pistol squat:
one in every of the tougher of the body-weight squat variations is that the pistol squat. within the pistol the squatter straightens one leg ahead of them as they progress all the way to the down position of the squat. once the squatter reaches the down position the extended leg ought to be parallel with the bottom.
Wall squat:
The wall squat is AN isometric variation of the standard squat. Isometric means that maintaining a static position throughout the exercise. whereas the box squat would be control for an instant or 2 before returning to the up position. The wall squat is maintained against a wall in the down position for the period of the exercise. Wall squats should be control for at-least fifteen seconds however additional optimally for one - two minutes at a time.
Face the wall squat:
The face the wall squat is a very important variation to assist with back issues and to help develop correct technique for weighted squats. within the face the wall squat the squatter should stand facing the wall feet an inch or 2 faraway from the wall, six inches to shoulder-width apart from each other. The squatter can then lower themselves to the down position, keeping their nose and forehead an inch or 2 from the wall the same as the gap the toes are from the wall.
Weighted Squat Variations :
Back Squat :
Is the typical squat variation , and it's been concerned as the king of all squat variation because you can lift the biggest amount of weight in this variation , and has a great impact on all your body and greater on you lower body part , and you adjust your feet width for the advanced athletes in order to target different muscles area in your legs , but as a beginner you can go should width or a bit wider to make easy for you in the beginning .
The Front Squat :
This variation is just a modified Back Squat , and the difference between them is that instead of putting the weight on your back you'll be putting in the front on your shoulder and it an advanced variation because because it requires more strength and mobility and flexibility , and it's a great variation to speed up your quadriceps gains .
Overhead Squat :
May be thisvariation is less commune in the fitness facility because it's difficulty because it's an advanced compound movement that requires the work of all your body together not in the strength aspect only but also in the muscles brain connection and the mobility and flexibility and endurance and balance ,and it's a Olympic weightlifting movement because it's requires you to snatch the weight than prees it so if you want to learn i advice to ask a pro weightlifter to guide to the correct steps to learn the movement correctly .
Zercher Squat :
Another uncommon exercise in the gym , and it's has also an uncommon benefit for a squat exercise because it will develop your upper back and your torso beside it's benefits to your lower body , but you should not be in hurry in adding extra weight in this particular because you'll be carrying the barbell with your elbow so don't put too much resistance on your elbows joints too quickly just nice and steady and you will build that Personal Record buy time .
Bulgarian Squat :
This is like pistol squat it's one leg squat when you put all the resistance on one leg ,and it develop balance and mobility in your legs , and this exercise is like back squat and the different between them is that you will put one leg on a bench and you will do the squat regully and you go heavy after you became familiar with it and develop the right balance for it .
Hack Squat :
Some say the hack squat is the maximum amount a dead-lift because it is a squat, as a result of the load comes off the bottom. but you classify it, the hack squat is a good movement for building lower body strength and muscle. It's an under-utilized exercise that places a powerful target the quadriceps, as a result of leaning forward like back squat merely isn't a choice.
Due to its strength and quality necessities, it's best to start out off with a fairly lightweight weight till you get accustomed it. Your grip strength can have a great deal to say about how light.
Squat Benefits :
So now we will give some benefits that you will have buy doing squat not only have bigger and stronger but also further benefits in your body and here some of them :
1. Increase Size And Strength In Your Entire Body
When you squat, you'lladditionally build muscle in your hamstrings, quads and calves. because of the high quantity of HGH released, you'lladditionally build size and strength in therest of your body.
The reason this happens is becausewhen you perform a squat in the proper form , your body is forced to naturally increase its own anabolic hormones which will cause different muscle teamsto urgelargerfasterthe next time you train them.
2. Improves Circulation within the Body
Squat exercises get the blood pumping in your entire body and improves your health all around.
3. Increase testosterone & Growth Hormones
Exercises like squats and dead-lifts unleash essential growth hormones that contribute to muscle growth and strength gain within the entire body.
4. Increase Core Strength
Squats hit your entire core muscles from each angle, therefore it offersyou each reason to do them if you wish killer abs.
5. Improve Flexibility
Because the deeper you squat, the additionalflexible you become. Squatting will increase hip flexibility. plentyof individuals carry a lot of stress in their hips as a result ofthey needunhealthy posture in order that they feel the necessityto take a seat down moreusually.
6. great For Burning Fat
Most of the muscle you gain from squatting heavywillcome from your lower body, and themore muscle that you gain the more fat you'll burn.
7. Squats Strengthen Joints
Once you knowthe way to perform squats properly, not onlywill it stop injury, howeverit'lladditionally strengthen your joints too. after you squat down, with all that weight on the bar, you'reparticipating your ankle, knee and hip joints at the same time.
8. It's functional For finishing Daily Tasks
What I mean by this is that It makes your daily tasks easier, like if you're carrying groceries' home or lifting or moving furniture in your house. therefore it makes your body safer throughoutreal world activities.
9. reducethe danger Of obtaininginjured
Squatting is a safe exercise; once they're done properlyit'llreducethe danger of injury. because as you expand the depth of every squat, you'll increase strength in your quad muscles which willadditionallyenableyou do perform different compound exercises with ease.
10. Become a much betterathlete
It doesn't matter what sport you do; you would like to be squatting. It's essential to owna powerful lower body, whether or not you're doing swimming, enjoyingcourt game or basketball. you must squatting.
11. Increase Vertical Jump
Squats are great for increasing your rate of force development that'snecessary if you wish to be able to jump high. I found barbell jump squats an excellentway to increase vertical jump.
12. Improved exercisingefficiency
I'm a strong believer that squats improve strength, stability and potencyonce it involves doing different weighted exercises like bench press, dead-lifts and even pull-ups. I realize that it offers you that further edge over that's crucial once you're attempting to squeeze out one last repetition, once you've reached failure.
13. Develop an excellent Set Of Legs And Butt
It makes no distinctionwhether or notyou're male or female. Squats canprovide you withan excellent set of legs and butt. So ladies, If you wish to activate those butt muscles, do deep squats with a wide stance so it provides your butt a betterworkout. Your friends canwishto try to to what exercise you probably did, while the lads will be drooling over you.
14. Get Killer Calves
For those of you UN agency are embarrassedof getting skinny legs, like I once had. after you squat heavy, it'llbit by bit build muscle in your calves. No more chicken legs.
15. Squats Are low cost
All it takes is abarbell or a grouppair of dumbbells. You don't have tobuy them different either.
16. Increase Sprint Times
According to analysis, studies show that sprinters will increase their sprint times by a major degree as a results of squatting.
17. Improve Athletic Performance
Not onlycan you gain size and strength in your legs, squats will increase your performance capability to run quicker and jump higher.
18. There Are quite One Variation Of Squats
Not simplythe normal bodybuilders squats wherever you place a barbell over your shoulders. you can do dumbbell squats, kettlebell squats, wall squats, plie squat and barbell front squats. There are tonsa lot ofways in which to squat.
19. you can Squat almostanyplaceyou prefer
You don't have to be within thegym to squat, and you don't even needgymequipment. you'll be able to do them at home, at work or the beach.
If you do a Google explore for "Squat withoutequipment, I'm positiveyou'llfindcountless variations. attempt doing a hundred body-weight squats, and I'm positiveyou may feel the results from it. Even fiftyis good enough.
20. Squats Are A Universal Compound Exercise
Other than dead-lifts, squats are a thought exercise that uses a lot of muscles within the body.
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