
Monday, December 23, 2019

How To Squat Properly : Full Guide To Squat

As  one of the greatest compound movement ,Squat has a very big reputation in many things and one of them is that are one of the essential exercises to grow a bigger legs and that are risky to you back and more , So the questions are here How To Squat Properly ? and What Are The Benefits Of Squat ? .In Today article we will answer this question and more to give you a clear idea about squat.

How To Squat Properly 
The squat can be very challenging for a lot of people in the aspect of proper form.   So for the start let talk about the form ,the first thing is how to carry the Barbell on your back the first thing to do is you should squeeze your scapula backward and that allows you to form a base with your traps muscles to put the barbell on ,  now let go down to your feet they should be parallel to each other and there is a lot of feet position but as a beginner you should start with feet with shoulder width is perfect as a beginner , and your back should in a natural position and your hands should be in comfortable position in grabbing the barbell .Now we will talk about the range of motion and how to squat properly ,in the range of motion there is a lot of ways on how much you go down with the barbell because there is so many style in squatting , you may heard two arguing about how much they should go down in the squat one of them said that it should go down as he possibly could but the other said that it should go just for a certain degree , and the truth is that they are both right because the first one is talking about squatting in the weightlifting style and these athletes go down as they possibly could , but the bodybuilding style they go that you should go like you want to sit on a chair or about 80 degree angle , and for you what it the best it's really depend on you because everyone is unique in his bones structures and in the hips flexibility ,but as a personal advice i always prefer full range of motion especially in the compound movement and that to benefits from them to the max , you should remember to squeeze your hips while doing squat and to keep your spine neutral and too keep your chest up and to breath always breath ,i should point to something that you should learn first to push with your legs muscles it's might sound ridiculous but a lot of people don't know how to work the muscle connection in this movement so first you should learn how to feel your legs muscles when you are standing up when you learn to feel you legs muscles in the body-weight squat you go to weighted squat or you just practice with an empty barbell until you master the move and the right technique and always keep your back as straight as possible in the movement and  your feet should always be stick in the ground and if you couldn't do it we advice to wear a squat shoes they will help to keep your feet on the ground because some people find in difficult to do it specially  the beginning of the foot because they found them self based on their foot fingers only so these shoes will help because they are higher in the back of the feet , and first thing to start with squat is to master your body-weight squat ,it's important to know how to squat without lifting weight and you should be able to do more than 10 reps in a proper form to move to weighted squat , and you can practice with an empty barbell  .

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