
Saturday, November 23, 2019

Effects of long term resistance training for the elder

We all know the benefits of workout for young people but it is the same effect for the elder ? that what we will find out today 

Long-term Resistance Training in the Elderly

In today topic we will talk about the benefits of resistance training in long term , we all know that a lot of people go to gym the gym just to stay fit or better looking but there is another true hidden impact beside those goals , because  the effects of long term resistance training has been proven by scientific research .In a study that where published in The journal of GERONTOLOGY (1) , and in this study they toke two group of elder people more than 60 years old in different gender ,one group they kept doing their regular daily activity while the other group  they trained several muscle group twice a week for 45 weeks for an intensity between 50 % -   80 %  of their max load , and after 10 weeks the result showed that first group stay the same in the endurance and strength and peak cycling and in the treadmill walking otherwise for the other group they notice an increase in all these activity and these effect has more impact for a younger people .

Effects of long-term resistance training and simultaneous electro-stimulation

In a study that where published in SAGE journals that examine the effect of long-term resistance training with and without simultaneous electro-stimulation for a period of 20 weeks on 36 peoples and the result showed that long term resistance training improve muscles strength but simultaneous electro-stimulation does not further improve training outcome. 

So for a conclusion we know that even for elder people like 50 years old or older can have impact on their strength or joint and increase their endurance and their max lifting weight by the time ,also help in the joint which is a bit of a problem for the elder people to maintain their joint health specially for the knees so the resistance training help to reinforce it and make stronger to perform the daily routine activities , despite all these benefits resistance training can make your immunity system stronger which is something you will need more by going older , and all these benefits are even greater for a younger sibling who perform resistance training frequently . 

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