
Thursday, August 8, 2019

Can you train and your muscles sores ?

Is muscles soreness a good sign for hypertrophy ? 

You woke up in the morning and you cant get up from your bed because of the soreness of your hard yesterday workout , and a lot of people ask a lot of question about this  topic a one of the most asked questions are :

-Is the muscles soreness a good sign of a good workout ?

-Can i workout if my muscles are in soreness ?

-How to prevent muscles soreness ?

In today will answer some of most asked questions and give some advises about this topic 

what is sore muscles and how to recovery from it ?

 So first let understand what cause the muscles soreness or in his scientific name DOMS Delayed onset muscle soreness, there are a list of the main causes of it such as lactic acid, muscle spasm, connective tissue damage, muscle damage, inflammation but the most common one are muscle damage and this can happen when you perform a physical activity that you body it not use to it, like level up in your training or just you are not use to workout, and the soreness can have degrees depend on your body and your activity that the soreness may last 12 h to 72 h and in this period you can just do some very light exercises and a legit stretching just something very light that won't get your soreness any worse and you should take it slow to let your body to heels it self and rebuild the damage tissue and your speed this process by eating protein that are very important to your body because protein the amino acids that are the main component of your muscles ,also take a shower and i you asked which one is good for you a hot or a cold or warm well that depend on you which one you feel more comfortable with and make you relax and you feel good with but i think in the case of bad soreness i suggest you take a warm shower or hot ,because it make blood circulate butter and reach your damage tissue and this can help heal fast because blood contain oxygen and nutrition and by taking a warm shower the blood will circulate much butter  in your body  and make the healing process faster .

muscles sore after workout:

Muscle sore it's not about workout but it's that you did a physical activity your is not use to it , like if walk to mush or sort of thing like this , and the workout world some people think that if you don't sore you will not gain muscle , well its depend on your fitness level your body you rest your nutrition so for example its really rare when an advance athlete to get muscles sore because his body is familiar with  the physical activity it not something new to him, he could have sore muscle sore after workout but that if he level up in his routine but for the new ones with the workout thing it's normal to be in sore ,so to make it beneficial  make sure to eat enough protein and rest to let your body to heal and have enough sleep because when you are in sleep is the time when the process of healing begin .

How to  prevent muscles sore ?

so the truth is that there is no escape from muscles soreness but there some tips you can do to make less and the first one is a good warm up, make sure to have a good warm before your workout and this to prevent two things the first is soreness and the second is injury ,second is  hydration  drink enough water before and during and after your workout , another thing is stretching before workout in your warm up also during your workout between sets and exercises you should also stretch to make sure for good blood circulation and after your workout to calm down and prevent injury and soreness .

   In the end of this article we hope that answer some of your questions and if you have any further question or any thing to say to us leave a comment below ... 


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