Bicep Curls is one of the oldest exercise for developing the biceps muscles , and it proven it efficiency throw time and it's the basic movement in all biceps exercises even in the machines or cable exercises for biceps , and in today article we will cover How To Do Biceps Curls Properly ? What Are Biceps Curls Variation ?
How To Do Biceps Curls ? :
Maybe this question sound silly and ridiculous but a lot of people don't know how to curl properly and get the most benefits from this exercise , so first let talk about the barbell curl variation because they are the basic so let go with an empty bar ike usual to just get familiar with the roper and then we can upgrade the weight , but first let learn the proper form first your body shouldn't be swinging too much because i see a lot of people lift a heavy weight and in order to handle that amount of weight they use more than their biceps to curl that weight and even this is a advanced technique but first let talk about the basic of this exercise as we already mentioned your body should stay fixed all the time during the exercise and let your biceps muscles doing the curl work and to make this easy you can lock your arms with your body and that by letting them touch your body body and stick them to not let them move and to lift the bar just by curling your biceps muscles , i think doing this even with an empty barbell should be challengeable at some degree if this is the first time you attempting this form , and you should try lifting the weight to your maximum point and squeeze that biceps muscles very good and feel the muscle tension .
And now let talk about lowering the weight and this is a very important thing because you can say it's the most important phase in the exercise a lot of people think that once they lift the weight so the movement is over and the work is done but if you want a solid and strong biceps that mean that the next phase of the exercise is very important to you and that by lowering the weight as slowly as possible or if you can't do this at least try to lower the weight with lush control possible and that why you shouldn't go heavy on this exercise because the key of having big biceps is not lifting the weight but the ability of controlling the weight as much possible as you can and by controlling the weight you are developing a strong and big biceps muscles .
Another i should add is about the half rep hat i see a lot of people doing claiming that they saw a pro bodybuilders doing that , so make clear that you are not in the same level his body and muscles and the muscles connection are totally in a different than yours because they had years of training not like you so you should know the big difference between you and him .
Another thing i should say is about leaning backward , and again a lot of people say that say the saw the pro bodybuilders leaning backward when they are lifting heavy weight , yeah that true but as we already we said they are pro they spend most then dacade doing this so they know better what they are doing so don't just go copy them blindly and even them they have a pro coach to prepare them for their competition , and speaking of this technique they use when you lift something heavy so lean backward to find the right balance point to lift and they do it professionally to not hurt their back and by the time you will learn the perfect way to do it but for the time being just learn the basic of the biceps curls with be more than for you .
Biceps Curls Variations :
As all the exercise the biceps curls has so many variations out there you can try and has so many names but they have all the same principle to curl the weight , you can perform the biceps curls with a barbell or a dumbbells or cables standing or sitting or even lying on a bench , close grip will hit your long head bicep muscle and close grip will target your short head bicep muscle .
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