
Saturday, July 20, 2019

Bigger Arms

Best Exercises For Arms 

For a lot of a people having a big arms is a really big issue for them , even if they train frequent but they can't see any visual results. This can happen from very different causes such as a bad diet or not having enough sleep or something wrong in the training routine .In today article will discuss How to grow a big arms fast in the proper ways.


As you can see in see this anatomy pictures of the muscles of the hand the arms is mainly consist of two big muscles The biceps in the front which colored with the orange and The triceps in the back of the arms which colored with the green , the biceps muscle is two big muscles which are called the long head and the short heart and for the triceps muscles are build of three muscles , and you can notice that the triceps is bigger the the biceps muscles because the triceps is 2/3 of the arms size that mean if you want a bigger arms   you should have a bigger triceps .
Many people have a problem with their triceps muscles, maybe wrong execution for the exercise or the range of motion or maybe the frequency, and in the frequency fact i see a lot of focus on their biceps and neglect their triceps or not hitting them as they should be .
So first i advise you to train your triceps at least 2 times a week and work them really good in each time not just a legit routine because the triceps are one of the muscles groups in the human that are tough to build because of their way of functional,and in general you should train your triceps more than your biceps .
The other reason why you don't have a big arms that because of the volume of your training and the range of motion , in other word the reps of each set and for the arms is different because you should at least do 15 rep in each set with a reasonable  weight not to heavy but a weight that you can do with it this amount of reps in each set,another thing i should add is the range of motion and the tempo in other word the time you take to execute the movement for the biceps you should play on the negative side it's mean from the top of the movement till the bottom you should slowly down the weight i mean you control the weight  the way down , and for the triceps you should extend your arms when you are doing the movement  in all triceps exercises.
Now let's talk about some exercises for your biceps and triceps 

first Best Exercises for triceps: 

1- Dips: for me  the dips will always be one of my favorite exercise it will build you an amazing triceps looking , and you can progress in this exercises by adding some weight for the advance.

2-Rope push down : It's really a effective exercise to target the triceps muscles if you do it correctly in the form and i recommend it to do it with a reasonable weight that allow to control the movement.

3-Skull crushers: it one of basic and oldest exercise and one of the effective one,As the upper-arms area unit locked in position, the long and lateral triceps heads area unit known as into play. Increasing the angle of the bench (inclined bench) can work your triceps long head. Doing the movement on a decline bench places additional stress on the lateral triceps head.  

     Second Best Biceps exercises .

1- Barbell Curl : in all his grip the wide or Standard or close are good for your biceps, as well as emphasize a special a part of the skeletal muscle. A narrower grip can emphasize the long head of the muscle, whereas a wider grip can emphasize the short head of the muscle.  

2- Dumbbell Biceps Curl : also another old exercise and a addition of working you upper arms muscles it also target your the brachialis, and brachioradialis. these two muscles are used in lifting things from the ground, the different between dumbbell curl and barbell curl is that the dumbbell curl let you move the weight in any direction so you can target different area in the biceps.   

in the end we hope that you found some Interesting information in this article that can help help you ...

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